24 October 2008

Taking a course

The next course I'm going to take is about immunology. I can't wait until it starts! Then I'll know a lot more about sensitivity than I do now.

23 September 2008

Article on maternal diet effects

By accident I found this article about how the mother's diet can effect the asthma risc in offspring:
"Prenatal maternal diet affects asthma risk in offspring"

14 August 2008


It has been raining all week. I wake up hearing the downpour. I went to the library to study for an exame, and thoght I should bring my umbrella. But didn't. So when I walked (read ran) home, the rain was pouring! I had to change clothes when I got home.

The best part is that there is no pollen!

2 July 2008

Many blogs on allergy

I can't remember people being allergic when I was younger. As I get older, the more people are allergic to, most often, pollen. Is it because I think about it now, or is allergy something more recurring? Maybe people are more clean now than before, or maybe we are more attentive. When you search on "allergy" on Google blogs, there are many people writing the same symptoms, e.g. itchy eyes and runny nose. Web sites give you the latest pollen reports. It's great, because it makes it easier for me to search for answers and have a dialogue.

28 June 2008

Pollen allergy

I searched on Google to see if I could find any pages about pollen allergy. And I found, as you might think, many web sites! Here are some of them:

This web page, http://www.hoptechno.com/book46.htm, was rather informative, although very similar to an article from Wikipedia. It gives you the bases on what allergy is.
At the end it discusses how to find treatments for allergy, e.g. immunotherapy. Many approaches to find a cure is through exposure, e.g. of nasal tissue. At this stage of my knowledge, are there other ways to find out what causes allergy? Or is it only by exposure with allergens?

Yet another website, medicinenet.com, talks about to what kind of pollen you could develop hay fever (also known as pollen allergy). Shortly it says that the heavier the pollen, the more likely to cause hay fever.

A typical American website is pollen.com.


It's been raining for days. And no sneezing nor itchy eyes for me. The only good thing about a rainy summer...

Long time no see...

It's been a while since I wrote something on this blog. I've been studying and applying for a summer job. Now I'm free (almost; I work every Monday) to work on this blog!